Friday, April 4, 2014

A dream comes true

The last post below reads Friday September 6, 2013.

Today is April 4, 2014.

I'd say about 9 drafts later including a total page 1 rewrite...

NARCOSIS is out on the town.

I can't even believe it myself. This whole process is so surreal. I've been pushing against this wall for 4 years and even though I've been on the outskirts working at NR these past few years...


I'll follow up this post with more details once this whole process is over. Hopefully someone will like it enough to think they can make it into a movie, I'll get a paycheck for my efforts, and can move onto the next one. I just wanted to throw this out into the world on this lonely little blog of mine. I promise if I become an official screenwriter soon, this will be a weekly affair.

If you want to read Narcosis-- contact my manager Adam Marshall @Caliber Media!


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