Monday, September 27, 2010

Eerie Film Festival

The trip has been booked and it looks like my wonderful girlfriend, MK and I are making the trip up to Erie, PA this year to take part in the Eerie Horror Film Festival. I must say that has to be one the the kindest , awesomest birthday presents I have ever gotten. We are getting up there on Friday night and I am pretty psyched to start seeing some of the films. Slime City Massacre sounds promising for that friday. The awards are set for 6:30 Saturday evening, and I will probably be a nervous wreck, but what the hell it was my first screenplay right...

Hellraiser is still coming along well, I am about 25 pages in and my good friend Austin is reading through it for me. I should start writing the second act this week... will keep you guys posted...

Monday, September 20, 2010

What a day...

So I am chillin out on my deck, reading some god knows terrible screenplay, (10 left to go until I am done with them) and I get a nice little email from the fine people at 38 studios that they had recieved my resume and the Marketing chairmen would like to interview me for a possible position.... I'm thinking hell yeah I would love to work at a video game company... then I get an email from the fine people at the Eerie Horror movie festival and.... I made the FINALS!!!! Kick ass... I guess someone out there liked Tissue(s), after reading it so many times I kept thinking it blew, but maybe I am just my own worst critic....

Hellraiser update: so I am about fifteen pages in and I think it is my best work to date. Somehow the right words just seem to pop into my head... here's an excerpt

"Each pore of his sweating skin becomes aroused. Every tiny pupillae of hair erect. He grows hard with passion as seen through his tight boxer briefs.

Frank falls against the wall, almost through the window... which could have been his saving grace.

The smell of burning fills his nostrils, followed by a dozen other scents he has yet to experience. Vanilla seems to overpower them all.

He cluches his mouth to stop from vomitting but a strange forbearance has disabled this bodily function.

A cacophony of noise in the room pounds in his ears, a thousand voices calling out to him at once.

And the visuals... each cell inside his eyelid magnified and alive, flowing through his thin capillaries like traffic below a busy city."

Not bad right? I thought it sounds pretty good so far... I'll keep posting here and maybe the right person will stumble along my lowly blog...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It has begun...

Well its about that time again, my pen has been scratching away at the yellow legal pad enough for me to start typing away on my next project. Research has been done, books read, and read, and read... ready to rock. The first 5 pages I wrote today took me about 3 hours.... Which is both good and bad. I felt as if every word I put on the page really means something. I have nowhere to go but up from here... I will try to keep you guys posted on my progress as I continue the process.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eerie Horror Film Festival

Well I have officially been named a SEMI-FINALIST at the Eerie Horror Film Festival!!! Tissue(s) has come to life and apparently someone else out that shares my vision as well. They said they received a couple hundred entries and what do ya know... I am in the top 10... Still have Shriekfest in LA and International Horror Festival in AZ to hear from this week, but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you to everyone for your feedback on my screenplay.

Also on another note I got a great book in the mail from Amazon today, "The Hellraiser Films and their Legacy" by Paul Kane. I could not stop reading it earlier today until I got the good news. In depth analysis and behind the scene stories that are helping me imagine what I would like to accomplish with this next feature.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So I have been throwing around alot of ideas for what I want to start writing next. I am still in the eaaaarly stages of what I want to do... but as of now I keep coming back to wanting to write an adaptation of Clive Barker's amazing The Hellbound Heart. Or we may better know as Hellraiser. I know I know remakes? I freaking hate remakes. Nightmare on Elm Street made me want to break down and cry afterward it was so terrible... But after reading the Hellbound Heart twice in a week there is a vast universe to explore on the screen that never made it to the original Hellraiser. More to come on this topic once I do some more research into the realm of Hellraiser...