Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Top Ten Horror Scenes of all time

It's Halloween, so I must post something, this is a horror blog isn't it? So I sat down and came up with MY personal top ten favorite scenes from horror movies. Again, these are my ten favorite scenes... Not some Bravo list or some douche on yahoo writing an article just to write one. You may disagree or agree, it's your opinion... And hey why not click on an ad when you get to the bottom, google will pay me a dollar for literally 2 seconds of your time... And in descending order and hopefully matching videos...

#10. Wax Fight!!

Of course the first scene I try to insert, I can only find the trailer for... So I love the movie Waxwork, it's imaginative with multiple storylines but best of all chock-full of 80's cheese. The finale is a huge melee between the best of your Universal era of monsters and a small town. Anyway you need to check this one out on Netflix when you get a chance...

#9. Blowing Bubbles

The best scene in the original Nightmare, just barely beating out the opening with Tina and the weird lambs running around... This is the first scene in the movie that really grabs the audience saying that you are not safe, no matter where you fall asleep. Freddy is waiting...

#8. Freebird
I love this movie. Most people probably do not. There is nothing particularly scary or overly gross about it... but there is just something about taking your sick twisted antagonists and switching them around and making them seem like the good guys after the midpoint, then swinging your hero into a bloody-thirsty maniac that gets my movie induced brain flowing. And I heart Skynyrd.

#7. Why I screen my calls
The first movie I really became obsessed with as a kid was Scream. I knew every word. Still do. Plan on watching it tonight as a matter of fact. To be able to divulge into the world of satire and still make a movie actually thrilling and moderately scary, Bravo Kevin Williamson/Wes Craven. Bravo. I still believe that the actual character of Ghostface is not what made scream scary, just the implication that someone is watching you, watch a movie is really what I find disturbing.

#6. I wonder what could be behind this giant door? Well I'll just slowly walk up to i---

 Intro, Leatherface. Not my favorite horror icon, but I love this scene. You get the feeling,"hey this house is pretty creepy, if I were him I probably wouldn't be walking around in there." Then whooosh, a giant steel door flies open and there's Leatherface. Whack! drops him with a muted thud of a mauling meat tenderising Hammer. One of the better horror intro's if I must say so myself.
#5. Pazuzu
I could not find my actual favorite clip where the demon appears behind her for a split second, but the infamous headspin will do. I've actually done a good amount of research into this backstory and found it quite amazing. The real story was about a boy in western Maryland and William Peter Blatty transcribed the Priest's journal into a novel, then adapted his novel or the film. There were only rumored to be 2 copies of the journal, and Blatty only had his on loan for a few hours. He does not say how he came across the book, only that he could not copy directly what he read. Maybe he sold something precious of his to obtain this book, and the success that followed...
#4. The Box
Couldn't find the exact clip I wanted, but the scene where Kirsty is in the hospital and unlocks the box for the first time is just amazing. We already know what happens when you open it, but she doesn't. This gives the audience that little bit of an advantage but that is what makes this such a great scene. The television turns on to the image of a flower blooming. Subtle imagery? The walls split and they appear. Our first interaction with the Cenobites since the opening sequence. It really raises the bar for the film and makes us want to see more of them, especially since they willingly let her go... hoe often does that happen in horror films?
#3. Trapped in the Closet... (not R.Kelly's masterpiece)
The ending to the classic Halloween. I like to try and think if that was myself would I do the exact same thing as JLC in this scene. I would probably jump off the balcony. Maybe... But shit, if your trapped in the closet and you can make an eyeball shiv out of a fallen hanger, that's just good thinking on your feet. And writing on John Carpenter's side as well. Great scene.
OOOhhhh the frustrations of being a writer. I sympathize with you Jack Torrance... to an extent. This scene in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece ranks second on my list mainly because of the acting here. Wow, just wow. I read somewhere that this scene took 140+ takes to get into the can. Probably why Shelly Long looks so tired, but Jack keeps the foot on the gas the whole time. There's a great making of the Shining floating around the internet as well worth checking out, pretty much documenting Kubrick writing pages and making the whole thing up as he goes, calling Stephen King in the middle of the night and asking him questions.
#1. The speech of all speeches...
This is why I am in this business. Whether or not you see Jaws as a horror film, that's your opinion. I do. This is my favorite scene of all time. Period. Jaws is always in my 5 disc DVD player and when I need some inspiration, I will jut put this scene on by itself. Little movie background, they actually spent 2 days shooting this scene... The first day Robert Shaw wanted to do it drunk. Spielberg said yes. It didn't work. Day 2, this happened. The set-up, delivery, the words themselves all perfect. One thing I can take away from this to improve my own writing is that I love when characters can tell stories within stories about themselves. And they deliver a purpose, is when it really counts. What do you take from Quint in this scene?? He has dedicated his life to hunting sharks after that traumatic experience. What does that say about his character? He will never stop. Bigger boat? Fuck you Chief. This is my boat. His ass is mine. And this stubbornness is what will be his ultimate demise. All of that can be deduced from this story. His past, present, and future.
I hope you enjoyed MY list of favorite horror scenes... what are some of yours??
- Cjevy
Follow me on twitter @cjevy, and click on an ad for me!!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So yeah, it is a new goal for the second half of this year and going forward to post something, anything on this blog at least once a week. Horror related. Movie related. Writing related... ANYTHING. As far as myself I have moved up the chain somehwat in my dayjob to at least a somebody but with that my free time has suffered along with my writing time.

This needs to change.

I am currently writing a treatment for an up and coming producer for an idea he pitched me. We met with an interested director but honestly if this story turns out the way I want it to, well shit, I want to direct it.... maybe. Just thinking that is pretty scary in itself.

Anyway, it is just about that time of the year. You know what I'm talking about... When the blu-rays go on sale and finally... sweet jeebus, finally we get some decent horror flowing into our lives. So far this year V/H/S and Sinister seem to be the winners. A review of VHS will be coming soon on here, once I get the time and the opportunity to watch it as it is currently on demand.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Revenge Films and their lack of B-Story

We all know what a B-story is even if we never really pay any attention to them. It's usually a love arc that develops between the main character and his attractor around the 25-30 minute mark of the movie and keeps them driving toward their goal in the third act when the A and B plot lines will converge. For example Billy Madison meets Veronica when he hits the 3rd grade mark around a half hour in... blah blah... and they break up... and they are back together when he wins the big competition. Boom. B-story.

While watching Man on Fire last night for the first time I couldn't help but thinking where is the b-story? Is he going to hook up with the Mom eventually? Is there another plotline that I am not following here? Nope. No B-story. Why is this?

One of the benefits of working at a production company is that I get to meet and converse with some of the industries best writers while they wait for their meetings. They have no idea who I am or that I am an aspiring writer, but the majority of writers are genuinely happy to be recognized for their work. Writers never get any love from regular people not in the business or trying to write. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to have a 15 minute long conversation with Robert Mark Kamen (Taken, Karate Kid)  about his film Taken. Which was fucking amazing because he was such a nice guy and wanted to hear all about my journey to Hollywood as well. But one thing really stuck out to me during our conversation... and I quote... "What made Taken special is that there is truly no B-story, and we did that on purpose". I even fired back with, "what about that former operative he was friends with and came to find out he was working with the kidnappers?". Shut down. He explained there is not enough for a b-story. That is merely two scenes, when they meet and when Liam punishes him for what he has done. Mr. Kamen said that he wanted Taken to be squarely a revenge film. A father seeking his daughter and his journey to find her. That's it. No more no less.

Now take that theory and apply it to other revenge films you have seen. Kill Bill for example, She wants to kill Bill and the other Deadly Vipers that beat her to the point of losing her baby. There is the possibility of a b-story when she finds out BB is still alive, but since this does not happen until the third act reveal it is getting filed under "twist". How about Last House on the Left? A father sees his child near death floating in the lake by his home. She manages to point out who did this, and just like that it is on...

I think my theory falls into the pretenses that these Revenge films do not NEED a B-story because the goal of the protagonist is that important the audience would be distracted and/or upset if our protagonist did anything else BUT strive for revenge. If Liam Neeson met a beautiful stranger while hunting the bad french guys, wouldn't you be upset? Liam what the fuck are you doing with this lady, your daughter is about to get sold to some fat muslim tycoon? Know what I mean?

Anyway I just thought I would like to point out this little tidbit I noticed and the fact that it came straight from an A-list writer as well. If you can prove me wrong, please do.


Oh yeah and click that little ad underneath this post. I get a freaking dollar every time someone clicks it!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Faithful

So in the midst of working 9-12 hour days, I have managed to finish up 3 projects so far this year. I stated that 2012 was going to be my year and I am trying my damned hardest. So far I've adapted "Beat the Reaper" for an hour long pilot (which NR owns the rights to), written a full length horror original, "The Faithful" and just threw down a sitcom pilot, "The DMV". I can not honestly say that these are 100% done or that I am totally happy with them at this point but thats alot of words down on pages. I've thrown DMV and Faithful into a few contests and am waiting to see how they do before I go back and start from scratch. I think they can both definitely work, and I'm not tooting my own horn or giving away my story on here but I'm hoping I can get them into the hands of people who can do something with them. But anyways I just figured I would dust off this blog a little and post an update into the process. I really need to get back to writing useful posts not just blah blah ME, blah I'm doing ____ now... but when I have time ,  I'll look into it

- Cjevy

Friday, April 6, 2012

All Time Favorite Movies

So I've been thinking about this recently... What are my absolute all time favorite movies? Top 5? Top 10 even... Is there any horror in here? I mean I write horror stories, I have this blog I hardly pay any attention to yet has been seen by over 10 thousand people and I wonder... what are my absolute favs?

SO I am sitting on the floor in front of my dvd library and heres what it is starting to look like--

1. Kill Bill ( '04, '05)- I don't care how you feel about this movie but everything that is this film is me. Revenge. Intricate story. Martial Arts. Pai Mei... and of course QT.

2. Wall Street (1987)- The ultimate villain set in the hayday of stock market madness and the beginning of outlandish corporate greed. Back when I was a "trainee" at the joke of a firm I drove an hour and a half to get to for a month, all I could think about was this movie 24/7. Dollar bills on top of dollar bills. I also have a ton of love for this film's little brother Boiler Room but not quite top 10, maybe 25.

3. Tombstone (1993)- Motherfucking Tombstone. The most quoteable non-comedy put onto 35mm if you ask me. Kurt Russell just epitomizes everything that I would hope your protagonist is. And this movie just reminds me of my family...

4. Inglorious Basterds (2009)- The Basterds. The perfect screenplay. Literally the first twenty pages are one scene but that scene is just breathtaking. We know everything we need to about the tone and our antagonist. By the way, it is rare that we are introduced to the bad guy before the good guy in a non-horror film don't cha think?

5. Pulp Fiction (1994)- What can I say... QT is god and I will worship him at the altar that is my 47" LG 240hz mini theatre until I die.

6. Boogie Nights (1997)- Best character driven drama I can think of. Who can forget William H Macy barging into that party and blowing his brains out indicating that the 80s would be the perfect 2b act, the hardest part of a screenplay.

7. Casino (1995) - I have always been a fan of the gangster/Scorcese films but I think this one is my favorite of the bunch. Three hours of non stop "fuck this" and "fuck that"... can't beat it.

8. Halloween (1979)- The classic. I don't know how many times Ive seen this. Maybe 100 times? I used to have a double VHS boxed set and the tapes were orange and me and my boy Chris Hogue used to watch this every weekend. The tapes were fucking orange! Ah the good ol days.

9. The Shining (1980)- Another classic. I think I have enjoyed this film more as I have gotten older than I used to as a kid. It was too slow for me back when but now I really appreciate every tense beat and every other strange occurrence (furry BJ) that makes this film terrifying.

10. Anchorman/ Dumb and Dumber (2004, 1994)- A tie for the basement spot. Both classics everyone has seen but I could not look past either one... How did the hell did they know I got gas? These guys must be pros...

Bonus- The Devil's Rejects- There is just something about this fucked up dilusion from Rob Zombie that I attached myself to. The thing is I could literally skip the first half and be contempt with watching the move... Business is business baby. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Back in this bitch...

Wow so eight months since my last post. I really have to stop doing that, but anyway I am knee deep in my next horror script. I think I have settled on calling it "The Faithful". Sounds creepy right? Anyway here is the logline and hopefully will start getting it out to folks as soon as I can.

The Faithful: A small group must transport the recently executed body of a cult leader through an underground tunnel because his followers have laid siege to the jail. Also in the style of found footage.

That is not the best logline but there are really too many parts to this story and trying to condense it all into one sentence is just blah. Anyway, more updates to come as I wrap it up, and I will also try to write some new articles...

btw, seeing the stats on this blog has me blown away a little... over 10k hits. what?? So def more postings in the near future.
